
A very busy meeting @ Friendship & Care Lodge of MMM No. 1555 - Tuesday 20th March 2018

Over 50 Mark Masons attended the Friendship and Care Mark Lodge No. 1555 on Tuesday evening, 20th March 2018 at Sindlesham Masonic Centre, to witness the transfer of the Travelling Keystone from the Valentia Lodge of MMM No. 623 to Friendship and Care Lodge of MMM No. 1555 immediately after the Lodge was Opened. The Representative of the RW Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Silverio Ostrowski, ProvGSW, briefly stated the principle of the Travelling Keystone. The presentation and transfer of the Travelling Keystone was ably performed by W Bro Stephen Field, the Worshipful Master of Valentia Lodge, to W Bro Bob Marchbanks, the Worshipful Master of Friendship and Care Lodge. In total, 11 members of Valentia Lodge formed the visiting delegation for the transfer.
The purpose of the Travelling keystone is to promote and encourage inter-visiting within the Province and on this occasion it certainly fulfilled that premise as two-thirds of the attendees were visitors. Among the visitors was RW Bro Eric Rymer, the Provincial Grand Master of Worcestershire – he being a friend of the Candidate who was to be Advanced later in the meeting.

The Travelling Keystone transfer having been carried-out, The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Graham Seeman, PGJO (incognito as the Lodge SW) then presented a Grand Lodge certificate to Bro Roger Tomlinson. This was followed by the election of RW Bro Dr Ewan Page, PProvGM and VW Bro Nick Murzell, PGMO, PDepPGM as honorary members.

Next came the Advancement of Bro Frank Barker, the Candidate. This was an excellent Ceremony worked by W Bro Bob Marchbanks, assisted by RW Bro Ewan Stafford Page and W Bro Steve Adamek.

This was followed by the lecture on the Mark Degree delivered by W Bro Hugh Ranscombe, PPGSW, ProvGAlm and to round the evening off, the DepPGM was confirmed as the Master Elect for the ensuing year.

Following the very warm, happy and harmonious meeting, 47 Brethren dined at the Festive Board.

Friendship and Care Lodge will now transfer the Travelling Keystone to Charles Wilkinson Lodge of MMM No. 1657 on Thursday, 26th April 2018, again at the Sindlesham Masonic Centre. Let us all try and visit them to share the wonderful spirit that Mark Masonry offers!

The photograph shows (from left to right) Bro Roger Tomlinson, with his new Grand Lodge certificate, VW Bro Nick Murzell and RW Bro Dr Ewan Page (new honorary members), the DepPGM, W Bro Stephen Field, WM of Valentia Lodge, handing the Travelling Keystone to W Bro Bob Marchbanks, WM of Friendship and Care Lodge, Bro Frank Barker, RW Eric Rymer,ProvGM for Worcestershire (a personal guest of Bro Frank), W Bro Hugh Ranscombe, ProvGAlm and W Bro Silverio Ostrowski, ProvGSW.

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