
A busy night @ Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257 – Thursday 11th April 2019

It was a busy night at the meeting of Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257 on Thursday 11th April 2019. Firstly the members ballotted for Bro. Clark Brolly as a re-joining member, which was successful and then proceeded to ballot for two candidates in the persons of Bro. Lawrence Richard Haines and Bro. John Andrew Alp. The double ceremony was conducted by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro Mike Hennessy in an excellent and very sincere manner. Elections were then taken for the Master Elect and Treasurer and Bro. Vito Mingollo was declared as Master Elect and W.Bro. Ian Thomas, P.G.Std.B as Treasurer. Other elections for a representative for the Wokingham Association and two Brethren to serve on the Lodge committe were also taken. The Treasurer submitted the Lodge accounts for the previous year, reports from the BeMBA representative and Almoner were also received.
The members and guests then retired to the festive board were the usual atmosphere of enjoyment could be seen and heard.

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