
This weeks meeting of The Pangbourne Mark Lodge 1094 meeting

With thanks to W Bro Adie Lovell for his report on this weeks Pangbourne Mark Lodge 1094 meeting.
Tonight (May 14th) we met at Pangbourne Mark 1094. Yes we had so much fun. A skeleton crew led by W Bro John Jenkins. Our acting officers were away supporting VW Bro Mike Sanders at Wantage Mark his last official meeting. Good luck Mike.
We practiced and carried out a full advancement with the majority of work by W Bro John (Thank you Bro Alex for being the advancee) . Ably supported by all his attendant Officers Deacons Lindsay and Dean. Wardens Ian and Phil. And the Overseers Simon , Gary and our Guest overseer W Bro Richard Mackrow.
The chaplaincy was taken by our other Guest W Bro Huw Ranscombe.
We couldn’t have asked for more. The spirit of the Mark degree was upheld and enjoyed by all.
The toasts were honoured at the Festive board and everyone went home with a warm Mark feeling.
This is how Free Masonry should be. Thanks also go to Alan for arranging the festive board.
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