
1st Virtual Business Meeting of the Pangbourne Lodge of Mark Master Masons No, 1094 - Monday 26th October 2020

The 1st Virtual Business Meeting of the Pangbourne Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1094 meeting, was held using Zoom.
We had 15 attendees 4 of which were guests including the RWPGM. The meeting was opened by W.Bro. Phillip Damant.

W.Bro. David Medley gave an excellent eulogy to W.Bro. Alan Raffaelli who was called to the GLA on the 10th of March 2020 this was followed by the eulogy to R.W.Bro. Alan Brunning given by W.Bro. Phillip Damant. We had some further sad news that our Junior Warden’s wife had passed away. All sent their sincere condolences to Bro. Graham.

The elections for the next year were made by a show of hands which in itself was novel. Bro. Lindsay Maskell being approved as Master Elect. All the other officers had agreed to remain in their current positions.

Generally, the brethren enjoyed the experience and as we seem to be stuck with these methods of communication for the distant future we made the best of it.

It was great to see everyone and RWPGM Richard reminded everyone of the Tuesday Zoom meetings and advised it is OK just to sit and listen.

All were wished to keep well.

W.Bro. Adie Lovell, Secretary

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