
Retirement of V.W.Bro Mike Sanders as Deputy Provincial Grand Master

A note from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master on the retirement of the outgoing Deputy Provincial Grand Master:

“Very Worshipful Brother Mike Sanders, P.G.J.O. has now retired as our Deputy Provincial Grand Master and it would be very remiss of me to let him go without thanking him personally and also paying tribute to his dedication to this Province.

Mike was the Provincial Grand Secretary for seven years and has now served as Deputy Provincial Grand Master for three years, making it a total of ten years that he has been part of the Provincial Executive.  That is a marvellous record.  During his time in both of those pivotal roles Mike has been tireless in his attendance at Mark and Royal Ark Mariner meetings throughout the Province but has also represented Berkshire at Provincial meetings up and down the country.

It was a great privilege, at the Provincial meeting, to present Mike with his collarette as a Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master which I hope he will wear with great pride for it has been well earned.

At the Festive Board I also presented him with a bottle of port which will be a fitting partner to the engraved decanter and glasses that were presented to him on his retirement as Provincial Grand Secretary.

Not surprisingly, Mike has made many friends throughout this and other Provinces and, after allowing a period for a well deserved rest, I have no doubt that he will continue to be seen at meetings in Berkshire and, from time to time, in other Provinces too.  I know that you will continue to make him welcome should he attend one of your meetings.

Thank you Mike and we all look forward to enjoying your company for many years to come.”

RW Bro Graham Seeman

Provincial Grand Master

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