On August 27th 2024, the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Graham Seeman, accompanied by V.W. Bro. Mike Sanders, W. Bro. Bob Watson, W. Bro. Dick Haydon and W. Bro. Brian McCormack, the BeMBA executive, visited Thames Hospice, to present a cheque for £3000, the last of our three year commitment to donate a total of £9000.
The hospice is a first class facility, offering invaluable support to patients at a very critical time in their journey. It has a total of 28 beds, each contained in its own private room, spread over three wings, offering a quality of in-patient comfort, that many hotels would be envious of. The 10 lower rooms have large sliding doors that open onto the lake, around which the hospice is built. These rooms allow patients the opportunity to spend time outside in what can only be described as an incredibly tranquil setting. The other wings also open onto landscaped garden areas offering as close a match to the setting of the lake, as is possible.
The rooms also have facilities for loved ones to stay, when appropriate, on sofa beds. There is also a dedicated private room which can be used by relatives when the personal circumstances warrant such a stay.
Other facilities include a multi faith prayer room, children’s’ play area and a large meeting room which is used for family functions, birthdays, anniversaries, and other significant events in the family calendar. These facilities have been designed to allow families to have as much support as necessary to celebrate life, the emphasis being on making, what is clearly a very difficult time, as comforting as possible. A vital way of allowing time to adjust to the circumstances they are in.
On the west side of the hospice are multifunction treatment rooms that offer every type of medical intervention possible, exercise rooms and pamper rooms, again, all designed to ensure everything that a patient needs, is on site.
However, beyond these first class facilities, a huge amount of time and support is given by the community pastoral support staff who work out in the community offering as close to the same treatments that are found in the hospice. The hospice has worked closely with families and faiths to put together support based on the personal or cultural wishes of individuals who want to spend time with their families as they near end of life care. Personally I feel this is a priceless way of supporting dignified choices allowing final wishes to be honoured.
The running costs of the hospice are currently around £18.5M per year, or £50,685 per day, or £2111 per hour. The hospice receives around £6M PA from the government but still has to raise the remaining £12M+ from fundraising. This really puts into perspective how vital our contributions are in ensuring this magnificent facility remains open. They rely on numerous, what might appear to be relatively small donations, to keep the lights on. I view our support in keeping with the emphasis BeMBA has chosen these last two years with the “little & lots” initiative. Our £9000 has supported around 9hrs running costs of the fundraised monies, something each and every Berkshire Mark Master Mason can be very proud of.
The PGM is very keen to continue staying in contact with the hospice. To give us a better understanding of the wider work the hospice does, members of their teams have been invited to the PGM’s reception, next April, to talk to us about how beneficial our donations have been. Please put this event in the diary to hear first hand what we have made possible. I trust I’ve given a better understanding on how we’ve helped but if you have any further questions, please get in touch.
As the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, can I personally thank each and every one of you for making this possible.