
Wallingford Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1162 Virtual Business Meeting - Wednesday 14th April 2021

On the 14th April 2021 the first virtual business meeting of the Lodge was opened by the Presiding Officer, W.Bro. Laurence Reil, who thanked everyone for attending. The meeting was honoured by the presence of the Provincial Grand Master and a large number of acting provincial officers. After the Provincial Secretary has read the dispensation for the meeting to be held without a warrant, the acting secretary having forgotten to print off a copy, eulogies were then delivered on behalf of W.Bro’s Edward McTeague and Frank Hames who had passed away during the suspension of Freemasonry.

Approval of the minutes of the last meeting, held way ago in December 2019, followed with the election of a new Worshipful Master Elect, Bro. Stuart Stinger and treasurer W.Bro. Ted Lewis proceeding to plan. Statement of accounts for financial years 2019 and 2020 were then approved. A list of proposed officers for 2021-22 was submitted by the acting secretary who indicated his sincere wish that the Lodge installation meeting, scheduled to be held on Wednesday 30th June 2021, would be held in more normal circumstances and expressed his hopes that the acting officers present on the Zoom meeting might join them for what would be the first proper installation meeting after the long shut down.

The meeting concluded with the Acting Worshipful Master thanking all those for attending and reiterating his hope that we would meet again in June.

Michael Sanders
Acting Secretary

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