
Old Rectory Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.1398 Virtual Business Meeting - Thursday 11th February 2021

Our first Virtual Business Meeting took place in November 2020 and with tighter Covid Rules our Installation meeting was also taken on Zoom. This took place one week later than scheduled with appropriate Permission and Dispensations all of which were read to the Brethren once the Worshipful Master had declared the meeting open.
We were honoured by the presence of the R.W. P.G.M., Richard John Olliver G.M.R.A.C., W.Bro. Huw Hopkin, Prov.G.Sec. plus eight other distinguished visiting Brethren with W.Bro. David Edmunds, WM and 6 members of the Lodge.
The WM welcomed the RWPGM and the other guests for which the PGM responded. The WM confirmed that the existing officers would stay in office and then examiners were elected together with a BeMBA rep. This was followed by the other business items when the PGM was able to advise that BeMBA was honing in on a specific item with which to support the Thames Valley Air Ambulance and hopes this will be determined soon.
W Bro Stephen Cousins said he would usually be collecting to give Easter Eggs to needy children but currently this was a problem and he was directed to the Berkshire Masonic Charity whom the PGM felt would support this project. Just after the WM declared the VBM closed V.W.Bro. Graham Seeman, DPGM joined us straight from work with appropriate banter from many.
Brian Cook P.Prov.G.S.O.

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