
Windsor Castle Lodge of MMM No 519 - Wednesday 25th November 2020

In lieu of the regular meeting scheduled to be held on Wednesday 18th November 2020 Windsor Castle Lodge of MMM No. 519 held a Virtual Business Meeting on Wednesday 25th November 2020. The presiding officer W.Bro. Stephen Croston opened the meeting and the dispensation was read. The Provincial Grand Master presented an eulogy to R.W.Bro. Alan Frederick Brunning, P.P.G.M. and the minutes of the last meeting were confirmed.

W.Bro. Stephen Croston was confirmed as the Worshipful Master and W.Bro. Ed George confirmed as the Treasurer for the ensuing year. The Master elect confirmed that the existing officers would remain in their post.

The Treasurer’s annual statement of accounts had been circulated before the meeting and were duly approved. Two subscribing members were elected as Examiners and a BeMBA representative was also elected.

The next item was to ballot for a candidate for Advancement, Bro. Francis Rodriguez was proposed by W.Bro. Ed George, seconded by W.Bro. Alan Fone, a show of hands was taken resulting in Bro. Rodriguez being accepted, he would be Advanced at the earliest opportunity.

Following any other business the presiding officer declared the meeting closed.

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