
Linden Acre Lodge of MMM No. 1568 - Tuesday 11th October 2016

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver visited Linden Acre Lodge of MMM No. 1568 on Tuesday 11th October 2016 to witness W Bro Graham Parker (3rd from left) be Installed as Worshipful Master by W Bro David Medley (3rd from right). It was done in David’s own style, with sincerity and humour and all present had an enjoyable evening.

Before the ceremony however the PGM was delighted to be able to present Mark Benevolent Fund awards to the following Brethren:
From left to right
W Bro Colin Wills, PPGStwd – Vice Patron
W Bro Graham Parker – Grand Patron (Lodge Award)
W Bro David Medley, PPGMO – Grand Patron Gold Award
W Bro Bob Elmes, PPGJD – Patron
Bro Ian Osborne – Life Governor

On behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund the Provincial Grand Master thanked W Bro’s Colin Wills, David Medley, Bob Elmes and Bro Ian Osborne for their personal generosity and when presenting the Lodge award to the Worshipful Master, W Bro Graham Parker he thanked all the members of the Lodge for their collective generosity.

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