
Berkshire & Oxfordshire Installed Masters Lodge No. 1330 - Friday 28th October 2016

The PGM RW Bro Richard Olliver attended the October meeting of Berkshire & Oxfordshire Installed Masters Lodge No. 1330 on Friday 28th October 2016.

At the meeting he took great pleasure in presenting Mark Benevolent Fund Awards to:

From left to right
W Bro Terry Speight, ProvGJW – Life Governor
W Bro Ray Reed, PGStdB (Worshipful Master) – Life Governor

On behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund the Provincial Grand Master thanked W Bro’s Terry and Ray for their personal generosity.

Following the presentations the Worshipful Master announced that the next Master of the Lodge would be W Bro Michael White, PGJD. The annoucement was received with great pleasure and delight, the Master Elect thanked the Past Masters for their trust in him and said it was a great honour to be elected to this office and looked forward to his year as Worshipful Master.

Vw Bro Nick Murzell, PGMO, PDepPPGM, ably assisted by VW Bro Tim Hancock, then delivered a most interesting and informative presentation on the Degree of Royal & Select Masters.

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