
Windsor Castle Lodge of MMM No. 519 - Wednesday 15th March 2017

The PGM RW Bro Richard Olliver visited Windsor Castle Lodge of MMM No. 519 on Wednesday 15th March 2017 to witness the Advancement of Bro Jeremy (Jez) Arden-White (1st right) by W Bro Martin Woodall, PM, ProvGStwd (3rd right) in an wonderful manner.

Whilst there the PGM was able to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Alan Eastwood (2nd left) who was Advanced on 18th January 2017 and acted as Inner Guard for the evening (as we all know promotion can be quick in this degree).

In the first rising the PGM presented Mark Benevolent Fund Awards to W Bro Ed George (Patron) and to W Bro Paul Green (Life Governor). The PGM thanked W Bro’s Ed & Paul for their generousity on his own behalf and on behalf of the MBF.

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