
Third Advancement in a year @ Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257 - Thursday 13th April 2017

Pictured above from left to right are:
RW Bro Peter Sands, PPGM
Bro Mick Perry
W Bro Graham Giddings (Worshipful Master)
RW Bro Richard Olliver (Provincial Grand Master

After 2 years of no candidates Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257 Advanced their third candidate this calendar year. The ceremony was once again performed by RW Bro Peter Sands, PPGM in his usual exemplary fashion. Unfortunately a number of the officers of the Lodge were unable to attend but RW Bro Peter was ably supported by some very able stand-in officers. The Advancee this time was Bro Michael Thomas Perry a Past Master of Berries Lodge No. 2928. Bro Mick was yet another Advancee who had attended one of the Dine a Master Mason events organised by the executive of the Mark Province of Berkshire.

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