
Provincial Secretary takes the chair at Wallingford Mark - Wednesday 28th June 2017

On Wednesday 28th June 2017 W Bro Mike Sanders, PAGDC, Provincial Grand Secretary was Installed in the chair of Wallingford Lodge of MMM No. 1162 for the second time. He was Installed in a most suitable manner by his predecessor W Bro Colin Harrison who himself was completing his second time as Worshipful Master.

To Worshipful Brother Mike’s delight many of his friends, pictured above, from other Provinces attended to witness his Installation. It was truly a memorable occasion and one that everybody enjoyed.

At the same meeting the PGM RW Bro Richard Olliver presented Mark Benevolent Fund Awards to:

From left to right
Bro Alan Summers- Life Governor
Bro James Gilding-Brant – Vice Patron
Bro Paul Tomlinson – Vice Patron
VW Bro Graham Seeman, PGJO – Deputy PGM
W Bro Colin Harrison, PM, ProvGSO – Grand Patron Gold Award
RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC – PGM
W Bro Brian Cook, ProvGSwdB – Vice Patron
Bro David Peedle- Life Governor

On behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund the Provincial Grand Master thanked all the recipients for their personal.

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