
Incoming Active Provincial Officers Dinner - Tuesday 22nd August 2017

Once again Goring & Streatley Golf Club was the venue for the Incoming Active Provincial Officers Dinner, Twenty of the 2017-2018 active officers were in attendance and all gathered on the first tee for a team photograph. Unlike last year the organiser, W Bro Mike Sanders, Provincial Grand Secretary, managed to make the photograph.

Once the all had eaten and received their coffee the Provincial Grand Master informed the Brethren of what would be happening during their year and the way in which the meetings of the year would be communicated to them. He stressed however that during their year of Active Office he wanted to ensure they enjoyed themselves and got the most out of the fantastic year ahead.
He also explained the four official meetings, the first being the RAM Assembly at Friendship & Care Lodge of RAM No. 1555 on Friday 20th October saying that attendance was not restricted to Worshipful Commanders.
There would be three official visits during the year at Leopold Lodge of MMM No. 235 on Monday 29th January 2018, Wilder Lodge of MMM No. 1868 on Tuesday 24th April 2018 and a joint visit with the Province of Oxfordshire at Caduceus Lodge of MMM No. 1631 on Monday 2nd July 2018.
There would also be a fifth official meeting on Friday 15th December 2017 when a banner dedication would take place at Wallingford Lodge of MMM No. 1162. This meeting would be a white table event and so all wives & partners would be welcome to attend.

He was also very pleased to be able to present Mark Benevolent Fund collaretes to W Bro Alan Fone (Patron), W Bro Richard Haydon (Grand Patron Gold Award).

The Provincial Grand Master then toasted all the Officers present, wished them a happy, enjoyable and successful year and said how much he was looking forward to investing them all on Thursday 14th September 2017.

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