
PGM visits Hungerford Lodge of MMM No. 1342- Tuesday 5th September 2017

The PGM RW Bro Richard Olliver made his fifth visit to Hungerford Lodge of MMM No. 1342 on Tuesday 5th September 2017. He apologised to the members for not being able to get to more of their meetings in the past few years but was hoping to remedy that situation in the next few years.

On this occasion he witnessed the Advancement of Bro David Whyatt (2nd from right) with the ceremony being conducted by both the Worshipful Master, W Bro Graham Reynolds (centre) and W Bro Jim Payen (first from left). Bro David was proposed into the Lodge by Bro Mark Wiltshire (far right) and seconded by W Bro Graham Reynolds.
Following the ceremony the members and guests made their way to the Newbury & Crookham Golf Club where all were served with Smoked Haddock Fishcake followed by Pan Fried Pork Steak, a good time was had by all with a relaxed atmosphere prevailing at the dining tables.

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