
Conrad Costin Lodge of MMM No. 1430 – Tuesday 7th November 2017

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard John Olliver, GMRAC visited Conrad Costin Lodge of MMM No. 1430 on Tuesday 7th November 2017 to witness the Worshipful Master, W Bro Richard Hayden, ProvGSO Advance Bro Shaun Simmons. Bro Shaun is the first candidate to be Advanced into the Lodge for 2 years and it was a pleasure to witness such a good and sincere ceremony. Due to a number of the Lodge Officers being unable to attend the Worshipful Master was ably supported by a good number of visitors. Bro Shaun clearly enjoyed the ceremony saying he couldn’t wait to get home so that he could read the ceremony.
During the risings the Worshipful Master annouced that the Lodge would be donating a sum to the Mark Benevolent 
Fund so that they could qualify as a Grand Patron Gold Award. The sum required has been verified by Mark Masons Hall and is £690. The PGM thanked the Lodge in anticipation of receiving the cheque.

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