
Friendship & Care Lodge of MMM No. 1555 - Tuesday 16th January 2018

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard John Olliver, GMRAC and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Graham David Seeman, PGJO, were present at their own Lodge on Tuesday 16th January 2018 to witness the Advancement of Bro Roger Tomlinson (2nd from left). Bro Roger and VW Bro Graham met when the Craft Provincial Choir was formed, Graham obviously managed to convince Roger of what he was missing by not being a member of the Mark Degree and so he was Advanced after 23 years as a Mason. Bro Roger thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony which was conducted in an excellent manner by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Bob Marchbanks (middle), stating that he wished he had joined earlier.
Before the Advancement ceremony was conducted the PGM was delighted to present a Grand Lodge certificate to Bro John Brunt (2nd from right), the Immediate Past Master of Martin Lodge No. 3202. He was proposed into the degree by W Bro Paul Digby, PGStdB (Secretary), yet another long standing Craft Mason who wished he had joined earlier.

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