
Windsor Castle Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 519 - Wednesday 17th January 2018

Our meeting on 17th January can best be described by the Shakespearean lines “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;”. Cruise liners and health issues depleted our numbers even further than usual and only ten members and one visitor were present.

However, we had a very happy meeting. A proposition “That honorary membership of the Lodge be offered to the RWPGM in recognition of his services to Mark Masonry in Berkshire and the Windsor Castle Lodge No 519 in particular” was agreed unanimously and greeted with acclamation by the brethren.

The highlight of our time in the Temple was the presentation of the Lecture on the degree of Mark Master Mason by W Bro Hugh Ranscombe our Provincial Grand Almoner. Presented in his usual style Hugh frightened the living daylights out of the Treasurer and Secretary when the rejected stone was thrown aside to lay with the rubbish! Two of our newer brethren who had not heard the lecture before were very impressed and had an opportunity to talk with Hugh in the informal setting of the Festive Board.

W Bro Alan Fone, ProvGStwd

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