
Old Rectory Lodge of MMM No. 1398 - Thursday 1st February 2018

On Thursady 1st February 2018 the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC and a number of the Provincial Officers visited Old Rectory Lodge of MMM No. 1398 to witness Bro Arthur Howard West (2nd from right) be Installed as Worshipful Master by W Bro Trevor Raymond (far right).
Before that ceremony however the Provincial Grand Master was delighted to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Patrick O’Neil Brown (1st from left) who was Advanced into the Lodge on Thursday 2nd Novemebr 2017. That same evening Bro Patrick was also invested as the Junior Deacon of the Lodge, proving that advancement can be quite quick in the Mark Degree.

On the same evening the PGM presented a Mark Benevolent Fund Life Governor award to W Bro Robin Raggett, PM, PPJGD and thanked him for his generosity in supporting the MBF.

All then retired to the Mapledurham Golf Club for a most enjoyable festive board.

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