
Valentia Lodge of MMM No. 623 receive the Travelling Keystone - Wednesday 28th February 2018

W Bro’s Huw Hopkin and Richard Haydon, Bro Neil Howard, W Bro’s Ray Duncan, Peter Lloyd, Steve Field, Elwyn Hopkin and Bro Andy Blatchford.

The 28th February meeting of the Valentia Lodge No. 623 was distinguished by two notable events. First the Travelling Keystone made the second move of its, so far, short career and secondly there was an advancement of a brother who was not only new to Mark Masonry but to Berkshire masonry also.

The Worshipful Master of Leopold Mark Lodge No. 235, W Bro. Ray Duncan, accompanied by his Senior Warden, Bro Neil Howard, and the Lodge’s Secretary and Director of Ceremonies, W Bro’s Elwyn and Huw Hopkin delivered the Keystone to W Bro Steve Field, the Valentia Worshipful Master, in a most impressive manner. The keystone was then paraded round the Lodge, by W Bro. Field, for all to see.

This happy event was followed by another, the Advancement of Bro David Edward Jones, a Mason new to the area from his Craft Lodge in East Lancashire but still an old friend of two of the members of the Lodge.Bro David is seen here between W Bro’s Steve Field and Ray Duncan.
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