


Hungerford Lodge of MMM No. 1342 – 10th April 2018


Both the PGM, RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC and the DepPGM, VW Bro Graham Seeman, PGJO were present at the Installation meeting of Hungerford Lodge of MMM No. 1342 on Tuesday 10th April 2018.

It was quite a busy agenda with the PGM taking great pleasure in presenting Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro’s Peter Sharpe (2nd right) and David Whyatt (2nd left). This was followed by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Graham Reynolds (3rd right) Installing W Bro Pat Leonard, PM, PAGDC ( 3rd left) in the chair of Adoniram for the second time in the Lodges history. The ceremony was conducted in a most sincere manner by W Bro Graham and of course having great respect for Pat’s new hip. The sharp eyed amongst you will notice that W Bro Pat was in fact slipshod, this was due to W Bro Pat having a very swollen foot following his operation.

Following the meeting the members and guests retired to the festive board held at the Newbury & Crookham Golf Club where all enjoyed each others company.

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