


Wallingford Lodge of MMM No. 1162 – 11th April 2018


On Wednesday 11th April the DepPGM, VW Bro Graham Seeman attended Wallingford Mark Lodge No 1162. At the meeting Bro Donald Pether was Advanced into the Mark Degree, Bro Stuart Stringer rejoined the lodge and Bro Adrian Fowler was presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate by the DepPGM.
W Bro Lindsay Townsend acted as WM as the real Master, the ProvGSec, W Bro Mike Sanders is still recovering from a recent illness. The lodge SW, Bro Lawrence Riel was confirmed as Master Elect for the ensuing year and there was also the announcement of a new candidate for Advancement. All of which bodes well for the forthcoming year.
The photograph shows (from left to right): Brother Adrian Fowler with his new certificate, Bro Lawrence Riel – Master Elect, the DepPGM, W Bro Lindsay Townsend – acting WM, Bro Donald Pether – newly Advanced and Bro Stuart Stringer – rejoining member.



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