

Wantage Lodge of MMM No. 1207 Installation Meeting – 14th May 2018


The Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Richard Olliver, G.M.R.A.C. made his second visit to Wantage Lodge of MMM No. 1207 since the Provincial meeting in September 2017. This time it was to witness W. Bro. Finlay (Fin) Gordon Install the Master Elect Bro. Robert Philip Price which he did in a most sincere manner. The whole meeting was conducted in a great atmosphere after which all present retired to the bar for pre-dinner drinks followed by the usual good fair provided by the Wantage catering staff.
The picture above shows the P.G.M. together with W. Bro. Bob Price on his immediate left and W. Bro. Fin Gordon on his far left.



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