
Grand Lodge of MMM Annual Investiture – Tuesday 12th June 2018

As usual all gathered in the Shakespeare’s Head on the Kingsway before the commencement of the Annual Investiture meeting of Mark Grand Lodge at Great Queen Street.

The meeting commenced at 1.00pm and so all took there places in plenty of time. Of course three of our Brethren had seats allocated to them as W.Bro’s Paul Wilding, G.J.D. (2nd left), Huw Hopkin, G.Stwd. (centre) and Hugh Ranscombe, A.G.D.C.(2nd right) were to be invested with active office.

Following the meeting the 19 members of the Province in attendance dined at the Imperial Hotel whilst W.Bro. Paul Wilding and the P.G.M. dined at the Connaught Rooms, they of course joined there fellow members at the Imperial Hotel following there dinner.

A great time was had by all and of course with 3 promotions taking place at the September meeting were looking forward to meeting up once again starting in the Shakepeare’s Head.

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