
Deputy PGM visits Windsor Castle Lodge of MMM No. 519 – Wednesday 21st November 2018

The Dep.P.G.M., V.W.Bro. Graham Seeman, P.G.J.O., attended Windsor Castle Mark Lodge on 21st November to see W.Bro. Steve Croston Installed in the Chair by his predecessor W.Bro. Martin Woodall. It was an excellent evening much enjoyed by all those present, and with two candidates for Advancement in the coming year, the future is looking encouraging for the lodge.

Pictured are (l to r)
Bro. Jim Wakerley (Lodge SW), the Dep.P.G.M., W.Bro. Steve Croston (new WM), W.Bro. Martin Woodall (Installing Master) and W.Bro. Dr Neil Coleman (Lodge JW and also Prov.G.J.W.)


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