
Porchester Lodge of MMM No. 27 Installation Meeting – Wednesday 13th March 2019

The new Master, W.Bro. Lee Farmer, boxed in by the Provincial Secretary, V.W.Bro. Mike Sanders, P.G.J.O., Provincial Secretary (left) and the Installing Master, W.Bro. Roger Cooper (right)

A goodly assembly of Mark Masons witnessed the Installation of W.Bro. Lee Farmer into the chair of the Porchester Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 27 by his predecessor W.Bro. Roger Cooper in a very warm convivial manner.  Despite not previously having been in any chair W.Bro. Lee quickly adapted to his new surroundings and invested his officers in a very competent manner. The address to the Master was given by W.Bro. Pat Leonard who also entrusted the new Master with the secrets of his rank in a most professional way showing impressive flexibility of movement despite his recent new hip operation. The address to the Wardens was given by the Provincial Grand Master Overseer, W.Bro. Bob Watson, whilst W.Bro. Richard Haydon, the Provincial Grand Senior Overseer delivered the address to the Overseers. The addresses were concluded by the address to the Brethren that was given by the PGM’s representative, V.W.Bro. Mike Sanders, P.G.J.O., the Provincial Grand Secretary. After the meeting all retired to the Newbury and Crookham Golf Club for a most friendly, lively and well served festive board.

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