
Pangbourne Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1094 – Monday 25th March 2019

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Graham David Seeman, was delighted to be able to be present and witness the Installation of Bro. Phillip Damant (2nd Left) into the chair of Adoniram by W.Bro. Alan Raffaelli (3rd left). On this occasion, the Dep.P.G.M. was escorted by W. Bro. Mike Warner and 5 other Provincial Officers.
W.Bro. Alan Installed Bro.Phillip in a most sincere manner which was enjoyed by all those present.
The Lodge addresses were given sincerely By V.W.Bro. David Seeman, W.Bro. Bob Watson, W.Bro. Richard Hayden and our own Terry Speight. We were also ably assisted by W.Bro’s, Les Ritchings the Dep.P.G.D.C. of East Riding and South Yorks, Richard Mackrow, Peter Boden and David Wilshire, without their assistance, the meeting would have been less colourful, and for that we thank them.
The Lodge also presented a cheque to the Dep.P.G.M. for £1000.00 for the benefit of BeMBA. The Dep.P.G.M. thanked the members of Pangbourne Lodge for their continued support to charity and passed the cheque to the Provincial Charity Steward and BeMBA Treasurer W.Bro. Jim Payen.
Following this most rewarding meeting the members and guests dined at The Old Mill, Aldermaston in their usual style.

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