
PGM surprises the PGM of Oxfordshire – Friday 5th April 2019

Our Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Richard Olliver, G.M.R.A.C. and three of our members, V.W.Bro. Mike Sanders, P.G.J.O., W.Bro. Frank Hames, P.P.G.Insp.Wks. and W.Bro. Ted Lewis, P.P.G.S.D. made a surprise visit to The Windrush Car and Motorcycle Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1386 in Witney on the occasion of the last official visit of R.W.Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander, QC.
We waited until the Lodge had been opened and until the PGM for Oxfordshire had entered the Lodge and been received. A report was made which announced that 4 Mark Master Masons from Berkshire were outside the door of the Lodge and requested admission. Apparently R.W.Bro. Ian was heard to say “What the devil is going on now”. The 4 Berkshire Mark Master Masons entered the Lodge, introduced themselves and the purpose of their visit i.e. to offer support to R.W.Bro. Ian on his last official visit. All then took their places and their followed the Installation of Bro. Mark Christian Avery by his father W.Bro. John Avery who at 92 years of age did a remarkable job.
A thoroughly good evening was had by all and once the ceremony was concluded we all retired to the festive board.
The picture above shows from left to right:
R.W.Bro. His Honour Ian Alexander, QC., PGM Oxfordshire
W.Bro. Mark Christian Avery
W.Bro. John Avery
R.W.Bro. Richard Olliver

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