The Linden Acre Lodge of MMM No. 1568 had a bumper evening on Tuesday 9th April 2019.
Firstly, the Lodge received the Travelling Keystone from the Worshipful Master of Jersey Lodge of MMM No. 257, W.Bro. Mike Hennessy, accompanied by nine members of the Lodge. The ceremony was witnessed by the representative of the Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Bob Watson, Prov.G.M.O. accompanied by W.Bro. Peter Oakley, Prov.A.G.D.C.
The Lodge then embarked on an ambitious agenda with two joining members, Bro. Chris Hodges and Bro. Martin Cole along with three candidates for Advancement, Tony Rees, John Ferguson and Raghbir (Reg) Notta all of whom were successfully balloted for.
After welcoming the joining members, the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ian Osborne, asked the Secretary, W.Bro. David Medley, to act as Tyler for the three candidates. The Triple Advancement ceremony proceeded very well indeed with the reports between the Tyler and Inner Guard, W.Bro. John Halliday, proving to be very amusing indeed. All of the Officers carried out their duties extremely well to make for a memorable evening for the candidates.
The Worshipful Master carried out the ceremony to a very high standard and was ably assisted by our PPGM, R.W.Bro. Peter Sands, who explained the Signs and Words of a Mark Master Mason and the final “In Conclusion”
The Festive Board afterwards was very lively indeed where 48 members and guests enjoyed a truly wonderful evening of Mark Masonry.