
Friendship & Care Lodge of MMM No. 1555 – Tuesday 19th November 2019

It was a busy a most convivial evening at the meeting of Friendship & Care Lodge of MMM No. 1555 on the evening of Tuesday 19th November 2019.
The Provincial Grand Master was supported by 14 of his Provincial Officers at the Installation of W.Bro. Andy Basham by V.W.Bro. Graham Seeman, P.G.J.O., Dep.P.G.M. who conducted the ceremony in an excellent manner.
The P.G.M. presented Grand Lodge certificates to Bro’s. David Atkinson, Brian Wedge and John Saville (1st, 2nd & 3rd on left).
The new Worshipful Master invested his officers in a sincere and confident manner only overshadowed by the Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Simon Jeffery, P.A.G.D.C. having a few regalia problems. He found his apron to be most difficult in keeping up and blamed the Past Provincial Grand Secretary, the previous owner, for his challenges. The P.G.M. however pointed out to him that the offending apron was in fact his before V.W.Bro. Mike Sanders and had every sympathy with his problem.
The picture above shows the Provincial Officers in attendance together with the recipients of Grand Lodge certificates and W.Bro. Andy Basham (centre).

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