
Windsor Castle Lodge of RAM No. 519 – Wednesday 15th May 2019

Fifteen members and guests were present when W.Bro. Richard Haydon, Worshipful Commander opened the Lodge. All but two of the lodge officers were present (both having sent last minute apologies) W. Bro. Hugh Ranscombe, RAMGR kindly supported us by acting as Warder.
Bro. Brian Bernstein was Elevated into Royal Ark Masonry in an excellent manner by the Worshipful Commander who was extremely well supported by his sons and the lodge deacons. Bro. Brian was congratulated and welcomed into the Lodge by the W.Bro. Richard.
Bro. Andrew Bernstein was then received as a Joining Member and was likewise congratulated and welcomed.
W.Bro. Richard Haydon was elected for a further year as Worshipful Commander and W.Bro. John Palmer re-elected as Treasurer.
After the usual reports the Lodge was closed by the SW at the command of the Worshipful Commander and 16 members and guests (W Bro Neil had finally finished surgery duties)
dined at the Harte and Garter Hotel where the usual loyal and masonic toasts were honoured.

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