
Wallingford Lodge of RAM No. 1162 Installation Meeting - Friday 1st April 2016

The Wallingford Lodge of RAM No. 1162 held its Installation Meeting on Friday 1st April 2016 which was attended by the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver who was able to present Mark Benevolent Fund award to W Bro’s Digby Woods, Mike Sanders, Colin Harrison, Peter Atkins and Clive Blackburn and Bro Ted Lewis as well as a Grand Patron Gold Award to the Lodge.
The recipients are below from left to right:
W Bro Colin Harrison (Vice Patron)
W Bro Clive Blackburn (Life Governor)
W Bro Mike Sanders (Patron)
W Bro Preston Bemis, WC (Grand Patron Gold Award)
Bro Ted Lewis (Life Governor)
RW Bro Richard Olliver (PGM)
W Bro Bob Atkinson (Installing Master)
W Bro Digby Woods, (Grand Patron)

The presentations were followed by an excellent Elevation ceremony conducted by W Bro Bob
Atkinson who then proceeded to Install W Bro Preston Bemis as Worshipful Commander with same excellence.

Following these two excellent ceremonies the newly Installed Worshipful Commander presented a cheque in aid of the Berkshire Mark Festival 2017 to the Provincial Grand Master for £500.00.

To the Provincial Grand Master’s surprise a further cheque of £500.00 was presented by the MEZ of St Hilda Chapter No. 1887 for the same cause.

Both cheques were received with the greatest of pleasure the PGM saying that they were gratefully received and they would be faithfully applied.

Following all the excitement in the Lodge the newly Installed Worshipful Commander together with the newly Elevated Brother, Matthew Alan Summers and Provincial Grand Master retired to a superb festive board where the atmosphere was one of concord and fraternal affection.

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