
W.Bro. Digby Woods takes the chair for the second time at Wallingford Lodge of RAM No. 1162 – Friday 29th March 2019


The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Richard Olliver, G.M.R.A.C. and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Graham Seeman, R.A.M.G.R. were present at the meeting of Wallingford Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No. 1162 to witness W.Bro. Digby Woods to take the chair for the second time, the first being some ten years ago on Friday 27th March 2009. He was Installed by W.Bro. Ian Rolph the outgoing Commander in a sincere manner.
Also at the meeting it was the pleasure of the P.G.M. to present W.Bro. Preston Bemis with a Vice Patron collarette on behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund.
Truly a memorable meeting and once completed all present dined in the usual manner as expected at the Wallingford centre.



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