
Porchester Lodge of RAM No 27 - Wednesday 3rd February 2021

A virtual business meeting of Porchester Lodge of RAM No. 27, took place on Wednesday 3rd February 2021. The meeting was attended by a total of 25 Brethren, including the PGM, Deputy PGM and visiting Provincial Officers of the year. The Presiding Officer, W.Bro. Steve Lyford WCN, was very pleased to welcome everyone and thanked them all for their support. Bro. Frank Paul was declared as WCN for the ensuing year, with W.Bro. Jim Payen being declared as Treasurer. Reports were made to the Lodge by the Treasurer and Secretary, plus an update on BeMBA activities and the Newbury Masonic Hall. The PGM also gave the Brethren an update on Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge matters, which was very well received by all present. It is anticipated that the next meeting of the Lodge will be a virtual business meeting, to be held on Wednesday 14th April 2021.

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