
Porchester Lodge of RAM No. 27 Installation Meeting - Wednesday 13th April 2016

On Wednesday 13th April 2016 the PGM, RW Bro Richard Olliver visited the Installation meeting of Porchester Lodge of RAM No. 27 and before the Installation was delighted to be able to presnt W Bro Don Beaver (Left) with the collarette of a Grand Patron and W Bro Pat Leonard (right) with the collarette of a Vice Patron thanking both Brethren for their personal generousity.

The Worshipful Commander, W Bro Steve Berkshire (left), then proceeded to Install W Bro Jim Payen (right) as Worshipful Commander of the Lodge. This was Worshipful Bro Jim’s second time in the chair of Porchester RAM and the PGM wished him well for his year of office.

All then adjourned to the Newbury & Crookham Golf Club for the festive board where a good time was had by all.

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