
PGM Presents MBF Awards @ Friendship & Care RAM - Friday 17th February 2017

The PGM RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC attended his own RAM Lodge on Friday 17th March 2017 and witnessed the excellent Elevation ceremony of Bro Andy Basham (2nd right) which was conducted by W Bro Paul Digby, ProvRAMGR, Scribe of the Lodge. Following which the Worshipful Commander, W Bro Ian Johnson (3rd right) Installed Bro Alan Bell (4th left) as Commander of the Lodge in a similar manner.

At the same meeting the PGM was also delighted to present Mark Benevolent Fund Awards to:
From left to right
W Bro Mike Warner- Grand Patron
Bro Richard Purdy- Grand Patron
Bro Glenn Whittaker – Vice Patron
W Bro Graham Seeman (far right)- Grand Patron
On behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund the Provincial Grand Master thanked all the Bretren for their personal generosity.

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