
Linden Acre Lodge of RAM No 1568 Installation Meeting - Tuesday 31st May 2016

The Installation meeting at Linden Acre Lodge of RAM No. 1568 was marked by the PGM presenting W Bro Ray Allen (far right) and Bro Richard Mackrow (2nd right) with Vice Patron collarettes from in Mark Benevolent Fund in support of the 2017 Festival.

This was followed by W Bro Alan Spearman (2nd left) Installing W Bro Colin Wills (centre) as Worshipful Commander of the Lodge. Following the ceremony the PGM congratulated W Bro Colin on attaining the Chair and wished him well for the forthcoming year and was looking forward to seeing him visiting other Royal Ark Mariner Lodges during his year.

W Bro David Medley congratulated W Bro Alan for his year in office and presented him with a cheque made out to the Berkshire Mark Festival 2017 for the cost of his Past Commanders jewel, this was then presented to the PGM by W Bro Alan which was thankfully received.

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