




Linden Acre Lodge of RAM No. 1568 Installation Meeting – 22nd May 2018

The PGM, R. W. Bro. Richard J Olliver, GMRAC was present at the Installation meeting of the Linden Acre Lodge of RAM No. 1568 on Tuesday 22nd May 2018 to witness W. Bro. Colin Wills Install Bro. Alan Raffaelli as Worshipful Commander of Linden Acre Lodge of RAM No. 1568. Having completed two years successfully as the Worshipful Commander W. Bro. Colin was pleased to hand over the reins of the Lodge to a new Worshipful Commander. The ceremony of Installation was very well conducted by the Installing Commander seen hear on the far right with the newly Installed Worshipful Commander, W. Bro. Alan Raffaelli in the middle.

Before the ceremony however the P.G.M. was delighted to be able to present a Grand Patron collarette on behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund to the Lodge. The certificate being proudly shown and jewel worn by the newly Installed Worshipful Commander.





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