
Friendship & Care Lodge of RAM No. 1555 - Friday 21st October 2016

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC together with the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Graham Seeman, the Past Provincial Grand Masters’ RW Bro’s Ewan Page and Peter Sands attended the meeting of Friendship & Care Lodge of RAM No. 1555 on Friday 21st October 2017.
At the meeting they witnessed Bro Bob Marchbanks (2nd right) be Elevated into the Royal Ark Mariner Degree in an excellent manner by W Bro Ian Johnson (far right) and his Officers. Also at the meeting the PGM was able to present Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro’s Les Taylor and Peter Sullivan.
He was also able to present Mark Benevolent Awards to:
W Bro Paul Digby (far left) – Grand Patron and on behalf of the Lodge a Vice Patron collarette to the Worshipful Commander, W Bro Ian Johnson.
The PGM thanked W Bro Paul for his individual generosity and to the members of Friendship & Care for their collective generosity.

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