
Friendship & Care Lodge of RAM No. 1555 - Friday 16th February 2018

Both the PGM, RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC and the DepPGM, W Bro Graham Seeman attended their own Royal Ark Mariner Lodge on Friday 16th February 2018 to witness Bro Mike Curphey be Installed as Commander by W Bro Alan Bell.
Pictured above from left to right are:
Back row:
W Bro Simon Jeffery, Graham Seeman, Paul Digby, Bro Andy Basham, Bob Marchbanks, Richard Purdy and W Bro Ted Melba.
Front row:
Bro Les Taylor, Glenn Whittaker, PGM, Bro Seamus McEnaney, W Bro Mike Curphey, Bro David Arnold, W Bro Alan Bell and Ian Johnson.

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