
Friendship & Care Lodge of RAM No. 1555 Emergency Meeting – 1st June 2018

The P.G.M., R. W. Bro. Richard J Olliver, GMRAC and W. Bro. Graham Seeman, RAMGR, Dep.P.G.M. were present at the Emergency meeting of the Friendship & Care Lodge of RAM No. 1555 on Friday 1st June 2018. The purpose of the meeting was to Elevate Bro. Lionel Higgins, Past Second Grand Principal of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Berkshire, into the degree of Royal Ark Mariner by W. Bro. Mike Curphey, Worshipful Commander.

The picture above shows from left to right:
W. Bro. Graham Seeman, RAMGR, Dep. P.G.M.
Bro Lionel Higgins
W. Bro. Mike Curphey, Worshipful Commander
R.W. Bro. Richard Olliver, GMRAC, PGM

Following the Elevation ceremony the members and guests present dined in an atmosphere of concord and fraternal affection on Ardenne pate & toast, Roast leg of pork followed by Rhubarb crumble.

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