
Double Elevation Ceremony @Wallingford RAM- Friday 1st September 2017

The members and guests of Wallingford Lodge of RAM No. 1162 witnessed a double Elevation ceremony on Friday 1st September 2017 when Bro Tim Spriggs (2nd from right) and Bro Martin Wright (far right) joined the degree. It was a particular pleasure for the Provincial Grand Master to be present as both newly Elevated brethren are well known to him, Tim Spriggs from Caduceus Mark Lodge and Martin Wright is the Secretary of his mother Craft Lodge. The ceremony for each candidate was conducted in a most sincere and able manner by the Worshipful Commander, W Bro Ted Lewis (2nd from left), and his officers. On the same evening the PGM was also pleased to be able to present a Grand Lodge certificate to Bro Paul Wilding (first from left) who was Elevated at the previous meeting.
Also at the meeting the members of the Lodge were able to ballot for a joining member in the person of Bro Graham Foulis-Brown, a former member of Porchester Lodge of RAM No. 27
 from 1979 to 1986. Unfortunately Bro Graham is not in the photograph but the PGM was delighted to be able to welcome him back to RAM Degree.
The Brethren then retired to the bar and the festive board where all present were able to dine on a starter of Egg Mayonnaise followed Roast Beef & Yorkshire pudding and rounded off with fresh fruit salad.

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