
Berkshire & Oxfordshire Installed Commanders No. 1330- Monday 13th June 2016

What a delightful evening it was, firstly the PGM was able to present Mark Benevolent Fund collarettes to the following Brethren.
From left to right:
W Bro Nick Murzell, RAMGR โ€“ Patron
W Bro Brian Southgate โ€“ Vice Patron
W Bro Bob Britten โ€“ Grand Patron Gold Award
RW Bro Richrad Olliver, RAMGR- PGM
W Bro Peter Hughes, RAMGR- Worshipful Commander
W Bro Hugh Ranscombe, RAMGR- Grand Patron Gold Award
W Bro Bill Rhymes โ€“ Life Governor
secondly W Bro Alan Smee, RAMGR was declared as the Worshipful Commander Elect, a most worthy Brother to receive this honour and thirdly the Worshipful Commander, W Bro Peter Hughes, RAMGR, delivered a most interesting talk entitled โ€œA Flood of Noahsโ€.

A delightful evening indeed which was rounded off very nicely by everybody dining in concord and fraternal affection to the usual good fair provided at the Wallingford Masonic Centre..

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