
Jersey Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners Installation 2022

At the November Meeting of Jersey R.A.M., Bro. Tim Fox was Elevated into the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner.

All the senior Officers of the Lodge assisted with the ceremony and the Commander (W. Bro. Trevor Raymond) was ably supported by W. Bro. David Fisher, who demonstrated the Signs and W. Bro. Hugh Ranscombe, who explained the Working Tools. Our Senior Warden (and now Commander-Elect !!!) Bro. Tim Sherwood, gave a memorable explanation of the steps.

Bro. Fox is a member of Pangbourne Mark, which does not have an attached Mariner Lodge, and chose Jersey Lodge to meet with his friends and make new acquaintances.

The meeting was held in the downstairs room at the Windsor Masonic Temple and we were very pleased to have W. Bro. Les Langley with, us as he gets back into Lodge visiting.

Nineteen Brethren afterwards dined at the Bexley Arms Inn where the Royal and Loyal toasts were honoured. The Alms collection and Raffle raised nearly £160 for the good of charity.



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