
Windsor Castle Lodge of RAM No 519 conduct their first Elevation ceremony for 5 years - Wednesday 18th May 2016

The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Richard Olliver attended by a number of Provincial Officers visited Windsor Castle Lodge of RAM No. 519 on Wednesday 18th May 2016 to witness their first Elevation ceremony for 5 years.

Bro Martin Bernstein of Charles Wilkinson Lodge of MMM No. 1657 and Bro David Edward Capel of Jersey Lodge of MMM No 257 were both Elevated into the Honorable and Antient Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners by the Worshipful Commander, W Bro Stephen Croston and all his officers.

It was truly memorable occasion as the Lodge has been going through a difficult time of late with 3 members passing to the Grand Lodge above over the last 3 years and one member finding the need to resign.

Both candidates enjoyed the ceremony immensely following which everybody enjoyed a wonderful festive board at The Bexley Arms in Windsor.

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