
W Bro Jim Dance is proclaimed as Worshipful Commander at Windsor Castle Lodge of RAM No. 519 – Wednesday 18th October 2017

W Bro Jim Dance was proclaimed as Worshipful Commander by W Bro Steve Croston at Windsor Castle Lodge of RAM No. 519 on Wednesday 18th October 2017. At the meeting it was also the Provincial Grand Masters pleasure to presented Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro’s Paul Thompsett and Bernard Greenwold.

Pictured above from left to right are:
W Bro Dr Neil Coleman, PCN, ProvRAMGR – Senior Warden
Bro Paul Thomsett
W Bro Jim Dance, PCN – Worshipful Commander
RW Bro Richard Olliver, GMRAC – Provincial Grand Master
Bro Bernard Greenwold
W Bro Steve Croston, PCN – Installing Commander
W Bro Richard Haydon, ProvRAMGR – Junior Warden

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