
Porchester Lodge of RAM No. 27 – 11th April 2018


The PGM, RW Bro Richard J Olliver, GMRAC were present at the Installation meeting of the Porchester Lodge of RAM No. 27 on Wednesday 12th April 2018.

At the meeting the PGM was delighted to be able to present a Royal Ark Mariner Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro John De Lara.

Before this W Bro Chris (Chewy) Baker was Installed as Worshipful Commander, for the second time, of the Porchester Lodge of RAM No. 27 in an excellent manner by W Bro Tery Speight.

The Worshipful Commander invested his officers however after many years a the Lodge Scribe, W Bro Roger McGuire retired from this office and W Bro Steve Berkshire was invested.

W Bro Roger became the Scribe if the Lodge at the Installation meeting held on Wednesday 12th April 2000 and held the office for 18 years. The Lodge owes a great debt to W Bro Roger for holding this office for so many years. His dedication to the Lodge has been second to non and in 2015 he was appointed to RAMGR in recognition for his faithful and exceptional service to the Lodge.



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